We, the Faculty and Staff at Claret Academy Secondary School, believe that our boys and girls are capable of making choices in the everyday life. Most of these choices are admirable ones, indicative of good, and often exceptional, Christian values. Unfortunately, some choices are not good, showing disrespectful or, at best, inappropriate behavior. One of the principal aims of our educational endeavors here at Claret Academy Secondary School is to help our students to be aware of the consequences of their actions. We also want to help boys and girls to make positive choices and we do this both in words and by example. Hence, the following guidelines for both students and teachers.
1) Reopening Dates: The management issues a calendar that stipulates the opening and closing dates for the school. These dates must be strictly adhered to. Any student who does not report to school on the stipulated reopening date will be subjected to disciplinary measures prescribed by the school unless such student had earlier obtained permission from the Principal in writing.
2) Attendance to Classes: Formal classes resume immediately on the resumption day as stipulated in the calendar. Welcome back tests that follow every holiday is taken on the3 opening day and count for the student’s score at the end of the term. The school curriculum and scheme of work are organized in such a way that each school day has its own lessons.
3) Attendance and Participation in Sports and Co-curricular Activities: All healthy students are expected to take full part in sports and co-curricular activities. Social Week activities are organized after examinations each term and are compulsory for all students to participate. These activities bring joy and make for healthy development of individuals.
4) Entry to Staff Rooms: All staff rooms must be treated with respect by all students. The staff rooms and tables are strictly out of bounds to all students. Before entering the staff room, a student must first obtain permission. Student’s visit to the staff room must be brief and businesslike. No loitering around staff rooms. Students must also stay clear of the receptionist and secretary’s desks.
5) Use of Phone (Handsets): No student is allowed to own, possess or make use of a personal handset anywhere in the school premises. Parents are requested to ask their children/wards to keep their cell phones at home. If any student is caught with cell phone in school, the cell phone will be destroyed there and then, and the student will be summarily asked to proceed on two (2) weeks suspension. And upon resumption should bring his/her parents/guardian. Subsequent abuse is tantamount to dismissal from school. School phone will be used in case of necessity.
6) Trespassing: Walking across unauthorized pathways is prohibited; all students must walk through approved pathways. This discourages creation of unsightly paths in the compound, helps in the control of erosion and enhances the aesthetic looks of the school compound.
7) Use of Toilet: Students must not defecate or urinate in unauthorized places. The toilets or the urinary are the only approved places where students may ease themselves. A gentleman or lady does not expose himself or herself indecently in public. Urinating in an unauthorized place erodes the dignity of the offender. Only tissue papers are allowed for use in the toilets. Each user must clean after himself/herself, and leave the toilet/lavatory cleaner than he/she found it.
8) Littering: All pieces of paper, toilet tissue, wood-chips, wraps or pure water, candies and other litters must be dropped in the appropriate waster-paper baskets or dustbins. Remember, “Operation Keep Claret Clean” makes each student and staff of Claret Academy a minister of environmental cleanliness by which you must not litter and have the obligation to remind your neighbor not to do so. Littering is an offence and may attract appropriate punishment as determined by the school.
9) Use of Language: Students must use decent language all the time. Use of offensive language is prohibited. All forms of vulgarity, immoral and uncouth languages are prohibited. Innuendoes, ridiculing phrases and other expressions that are offensive to the other must not be used in the school. Students must use language that is decent, seasoned, up building, heartwarming and capable of fostering affection, love and oneness.
10) Dressing: We believe that a uniform enhances student’s performance, decreases competition in dress, and is important to the overall discipline and spirit of the school. All students must dress in the prescribed and authorized school uniform. Regular school uniforms are worn Mondays – Thursdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, while traditional outfit is worn on Wednesdays and PE uniforms worn on Fridays.
Note that school PE is worn with white canvas shoes and not sandals. The uniform must conform to the school’s prescription and must be of appropriate colour and fabric. The school badge must be worn by all students at all times. Shirts must be duly tucked in; all buttons must be appropriately used. Students must not indecently expose their bodies or underwear. Any form of sagging or low-waist style of dressing is prohibited. Dar colored belt MUST be worn.
All our students were solid white socks, which must be seen above the top of their sandals. Students were school pullovers for cold. No other sweaters or sweatshirts are allowed unless with special permission based on health reasons. The girls are advised to use beret and are to wear them during assembly and moral instructions in the chapel.
Students must wear their ID cards around their neck immediately they step into the school compound and have it on all through the day. Also students must appropriately put on their ties at all time and no folding of shirt sleeves. All school uniforms must from the school and may not have any contrasting stitching or emblems. If any addition is done that disfigures the acceptable norm decided by the principal, such dress will not be allowed.
11) Grooming: Students must be of proper grooming all the time. All students are expected to have a low hair cut always without designs, lines of fancy cuts. No outlandish hair style is allowed. Fingernails must be properly cut, uniforms must be kept clean and sandals polished regularly. Painting of nails is prohibited and no make-up allowed. No Jewelry, except one small pait of post earrings no larger than the earlobe and a watch.
12) Breaking of Lockers, Chairs, Louvers and Student’s Properties: Desks, lockers and chairs must be treated with respect. Students must hit, write or stand on lockers and desks. No student should damage another student’s desk, locker or chair. Breaking any of these items attracts replacement by the person involved.
13) Jumping Over Walls/Windows: Jumping/scaling the school wall and windows is a serious offence. Only thieves and outlaws jump walls and windows to gain entry into unauthorized places or to escape from pursuits. Any student caught jumping any wall or jumping into or out of a classroom/laboratory/dormitory, or office, etc., through a window is liable to punishment by the school authorities, and may entail expulsion.
14) Bullying and Fighting: No student is allowed to bully another student or fight with another student. The school compound is a place where students are trained to show love, kindness, consideration and fellow feeling. Senior students must treat the juniors as their younger brothers and sisters showing them tender loving care. Junior students must show deep respect to their seniors. Any act of bullying or fighting attracts appropriate punishment from the school authorities.
15) Seizing of Books, Dresses, Shirts, Slippers, etc.: Unauthorized items are confiscated by school authority and not to given back to the offender. No student is allowed to seize the property of another student. It is a punishable offence.
16) Borrowing and Lending: No student is allowed to lend money to another student or borrow money from another student. Borrowing and lending of money by students has let to many undesirable consequences including stealing. It is a punishable offence to lend money to another student or borrow from another student. This could lead to advance fee fraud (419).
17) Safe Keeping of Money: At the resumption of the term, parents of boarders are to deposit a maximum of ₦5,000.00 with the school bursar personal use of their wards, as specific needs arise. No student is expected to keep more than ₦200.00 in the school. Anything above the said amount should be kept with the form teacher for safe keep.
18) Corporal Punishment/Torture: No student is allowed to flog another student or inflict any corporal punishment on another student. No form of torture should be meted out to any student.
19) Instructing/Bribing Others to do your Portion: No student should instruct another by intimidation or bribe another student to work on his or her assigned portion during manual labour or farm work or the regular morning duties/charges. Every student must do his or her assigned portion as a way of training and of accentuating the dignity of labour. Instructing/bribing others to do one’s portion is a punishable offence.
20) Reporting to Parents (Bringing Parents to School without Clearance from School Authorities): All students as they step into the school compound are at the care and protection of the school. Any issue involving any student with another or with staff must be reported to appropriate school authority for due investigation and resolution. The school has the responsibility of inviting the parents and guardian as need arises. Parents who have any complains of issues to be rectified are free to make a call and schedule appointment with the principal or appropriate authority to lodge their complains.
Any student who reports a case that is being handled in the school or that brings his or her parents/guardian to the school without the invitation of the school authorities commits a serious. Such unauthorized visit to schools by parents/guardians constitutes embarrassment to the school authorities and may disrupt normal school activities. The offence is punishable and may attract suspensions or expulsion.
21) Fagging, ‘Apud’, ‘Suppae’, etc: No student is allowed to enter into a questionable relationship with anothe3r student e.g. what is refereed to as ‘fagging’, ‘apud’, ‘suppae’, etc.; there should not be a master/servant relationship; between any two students.
22) Living by Example: All students must live exemplary lives. The time spend in school may be the only time a student has the opportunity of living with other people who are not members of his/her immediate family. Students should do their utmost to show exemplary moral conduct.
23) Payment of School Fees: All students must pay their school fees promptly as soon as schools reopen and in any case not later than two weeks after reopening. This minimizes cases of loss or misused fees. As agreed with PTA, school drive takes place the third week of each term and it affects all those who owe any fees, dues or levies.
24) Loitering during Classes/Use of Exit Card: No student should be seen loitering when classes are going on. Any student leaving a classroom or laboratory during regular classes for any pressing need must carry a class exit card duly signed by the teacher in the class/laboratory. Only one student may leave a class at a time.
25) Punctuality and Regularity to School: All students must attend school regularly and punctually. School begins at 7:3aam in the morning and all students are to come for assembly everyday and on time. Late coming or lack of attendance also prevents students receiving and benefiting from relevant instructions thereby making their training incomplete. Gates are closed at 7:45am, opened at 8:am after assembly to let last batch of late comers in and is finally closed. Any student that in not in school by 8am and without out any prior written excuse would not be allowed to enter the school but must go back home for the day. Any student who indulges in perpetual late coming will be asked to discontinue. Parents please take note.
26) Visitors: Visitors are attended to by the receptionist and are to stay in the reception area during the course of their visits. Classes are out of bounds to visitors, parents and non-staff of the school. Students are not to walk around the school premises with students from other schools.
27) Eating in the Classroom: Eating and chewing of any kind in the class during lesson is prohibited and attracts severe punishment. Students should have their water bottles and not to drink and litter water sachets in the classroom. Break periods are the appropriate times to eat and at the space provided in the canteen.
29) Participation in Religious Exercises: Attendance to Holy Mass every morning for the boarders; every Thursday all students and attendance to Moral Instruction classes and Singing Practices are compulsory for all students. Every student is to actively join in all prayers during assemblies and other prayer times and gatherings.
30) Noise making: Noise making is not compatible with academic environment, it causes distraction, destabilizes the serene decorum needed for serious intellectual work. Students must not should or yell anywhere in the school premises, and must not make noise along the hall ways, in the library, in the hostel area especially during siesta, or in the classroom whether the teacher is there or not. Class prefects and house captains are in charge of the classrooms and the hostels respectively when the teacher or staff is not there; and are to put down the names of noise makers and submit to appropriate authorities for punishment. When a student’s name appears three times in the Noise Makers’ Register, the student is liable for suspension.
31) Staying in School till Dismissal: All students must stay in school from morning till school is over. School officially ends at 4:00pm Monday through Thursday and 2:00pm on Fridays. Any student who leaves the school before closing time attracts punishment. No student is expected to stay beyond 5:00pm within the school compound after dismissal without the express permission of the school authority.
32) Stealing: Stealing is repugnant to the norms of any society. Stealing is a shameful offence. Claret trains students to become men and women of integrity who are responsible, upright, and honest; hence no room of corruption and stealing.
Any student caught stealing faces server disciplinary that may include penalty, suspension and/or expulsion. Students are encouraged to report any person or any act of stealing the classrooms, the hostels and anywhere within the school to the appropriate authorities.
33) Pregnancy: Any female student who gets pregnant has naturally dismissed herself from school and may not be readmitted after the pregnancy, together with the person responsible, if the person is in the school.
34) Selling and Buying: No student is allowed to do business in the school compound. No student is allowed to be selling anything for his/her parents/guardians or his/her teachers in the school. No student is allowed to by anything from another student. All buying and selling in the school compound must be done in the school canteen or bookshop and must be adequately regulated by the school authorities.
35) Writing/Illegal Painting on Walls/Cartooning: No student is allowed to write or paint any unauthorized drawing on a wall. Writing/illegal paintings/cartoons on walls is an irresponsible behavior and punishable offence. Any person involved with such irresponsible act will pay a fine for the repainting of the walls and will also face other punishments.
No student is expected to write on the classroom blackboard with permission. Notices and circulars are to be posted at proper notice boards, not on walls, windows, doors, etc.
36) Damage to School Property and Equipment: All school property/equipment must be treated with respect. Any willful damage to school property attracts s surcharge and also adequate punishment.
37) Body Cleaning: All students must keep their bodies impeccably clean. Teachers may conduct cleanliness inspections from time to time. A clean student is a healthy student.
38) Proper Waste Disposal: All waste must be properly disposed of. Used sanitary pads must be properly and decently disposed. Students must exhibit a high level of environmental cleanliness at all times. Littering of compound is a serious offence.
At Claret we have embarked on “Operation Keep Claret Clean,” which commissions every student and teacher of Claret Academy not to litter, to help others not to litter by reminding them whenever they drop things on the ground; and to pick up anything you see lying down at a wrong place and either keep them right or drop them into the waste paper basket.
39) Compound Cleaning: The school compound must be impeccably clean. All students must do/cut their assigned portions and ensure that the school compound gives eloquent testimony to the commitment of all students to compound cleanliness. A clean compound makes for a healthy living and creates conducive atmosphere for learning to take place. Manual labour is part of school curriculum. Exemption from participation in any school activity (manual labour, sporting activities, etc.), should be backed with medical certificate or clearance from any government hospital.
40) Smoking: Smoking is a serious offence. The Federal Ministry of Health warns that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health. Any student caught whether in school or outside the school smoking is liable to punishment by the school authorities.
41) Use of Alcohol: Any student caught drinking any alcoholic substance in school is in for a serious punishment. Abuse of alcohol is a serious social problem and all students must avoid drinking alcoholic substances.
42) Use of Drugs: No student should be seen in the company of drug abusers let alone be seen using such drugs. Any case of drug abuse by any student will be reported to the appropriate authorities. This will attract immediate expulsion to serve as a deterrent.
43) Use of Pornographic Materials: No student is allowed to possess, handle, watch or read any pornographic literature/material. Pornography is morally debasing and must not be toyed with by any student. Use of pornographic material/literature is an offence that attracts serious penalty, suspension and expulsion.
44) Fighting: Fighting is strictly prohibited. No student should fight with another student. All students must report their grievances to the appropriate school authority for handling and settlement. Fighting attracts punishment, hence our school is no a boxing ring, wrestling ground nor judo field.
45) Membership of Secret Societies: Secret society is obnoxious. No student is allowed to become a member of any secret society. Any student who is being lured or enticed or intimidated to belong to a questionable society or club or group should promptly report such to the school authorities. No student should succumb to any form of intimidation to belong to a secret society.
Secret societies are dangerous to the will being of any student and family; and must be avoided by all the students. Membership of a society is a various offence and attracts straight expulsion. General body check of all student is conducted two times a term checking for body marks and other signs. In Nigeria today, our institutes of learning are becoming unsafe because of cult activities. Hear at Claret we do our best to keep cultism out of our school; hence we operate on zero tolerance when it comes to cultism.
46) Possession of Dangerous Weapons: Knives, axes, pistols, sharpened nails, jack-knives, daggers, etc. – a student found in possession of any of these items or any other dangerous item will be seen as an unfriendly student and will be treated accordingly.
47) Demonstration and Riots: Rioting is a scandalous way of showing lack of discipline. No student is allowed to engage in demonstrations, riots or strikes against school authorities. Just as no child should engage in a fight or organize a riot against his parents, students should not engage in riots, demonstrations or organized marches against the school authorities. Violence has never helped or solved any problem rather it worsens it.
48) Inciting Others: No student should incite others to riot or demonstrate against the school authorities. Any student or group of students being incited by another student, teacher or teachers, should promptly report such to the school authorities. Inciting others is a serious offence.
49) School Farm/Orchard: The school farm and orchard must be treated with respect. There should no unauthorized visit to the school farm or orchard and no student should go to the school farm alone. Flowers and flower trees in the compound are meant to beautify the compound. Yes the flowers can be attractive, no one is allowed to touch or cut the flowers; admire and enjoy their beauty, but let them be so that another person will do the same.
50) Harvesting of Fruits: Harvesting of fruits in the school compound – mangoes, peers, oranges, paw-paw, pineapples, guava, palm-nuts, cashew, etc., must be authorized by the school. Any unauthorized harvesting of any fruit in the school farm or compound amounts to stealing and will be treated as such.
51) Examination Behaviour: Examination is the focal point in any education system. All students must, therefore, respect examinations in whatever form – quizzes, tests, assignments, projects, etc. All formal examinations must be taken seriously by all the students.
Any form of examination malpractice – stealing of answer scripts, impersonation, collusion, substituting worked scripts, copying, giraffing, seeking and obtaining help and bringing unauthorized material(s) into the hall, smuggling of question papers/answer scripts outside the examination hall, swapping of answer scripts, comparing notes, etc., must be avoided.
Cheating in internal examinations earns the student cancellation of the subject involved and loss of mark. Any involvement in any form of examination malpractice is a great offence; and each offence will be adequately investigated and evaluated, and will attract appropriate punishment that may entail penalty, suspension and even expulsion.
52) Fighting/Harassment of Staff: Any student who fights or harasses a member of staff will face immediate suspension and at the final determination of the case, if the student is found guilty, he/she may be expelled from the school. Students are advised to report to appropriated authority in the situation where they feel a staff has wronged them and it will be addressed.
53) Forgery: Forgery in any form attracts expulsion. All official records and/or documents submitted to the school are subject to verification. No student is expected to give wrong information to the school authority.
54) Cross Country Races: Students may not engage in cross country races without the company of supervision of a senior member of staff and at least three prefects. They must conduct themselves orderly during any such race. The prefects should be held responsible in case of any problem emanating from the cross country race. (Culled from: Rules and Regulations, Guiding Discipline and Conduct in Post Primary Institutions, in Imo State).
55) Club Membership: Education is not only about classroom work. Clubs and Societies constitute part of our educational program and are organized to take care of extra curricula training of all students. Every student must belong to at least one club or society.
56) Provincialate Community: The Provincial House (Claretian Community Premises) is out of bounds to students, except on permission. Students must not use the p;rovincialate gate as entrance into the school . Follow the school gate always.
57) Use of Opinion Box: Opinion Boxes are provided in the school for use by students to make constructive suggestions to the authorities. Students should feel free to write any suggestion they think will improve school life and deposit same in the opinion/suggestion box. Please note that opinion box is not meant to drop-in trash, vulgar, insults or any form of abusive languages and expressions.