i. The prospective student must be at ten years old and must have finished primary six and has taken or have registered for First School leaving Certificate Examination. ii. New admission into Claret Academy Boarding Facility is strictly restricted only to students who are to join us from JSS1. No transfer of students into our boarding house and no admission of students into the hostel from any other class apart from JSS1. iii. The prospective student must obtain our entrance form, take both our entrance examination and oral interviews and pass them. Presently, the cut-off pass mark point for our entrance examination and interview is 50% average. If a child did not pass or is withdrawn, the registration fee is non-refundable. iv. There is no barrier of religiosity. The family, however, must accept the principles of our Catholic education and show interest and willingness to co-operate in the activities of our school. Parents are required to sign an undertaking to this effect. v. Prospective students must present their baptismal certificate and/or certificate of bith. After the dates are verified, the original certificate/s will be returned.
vi. The students and parents must agree to an undertaking to abide by the rules and regulations of the school which is conducive to good learning. vii. The parents must show interest to co-operate with the principal and the faculty in school matters. viii. In terms of physical, emotional or learning disabilities, the parents, with the Principal and student will have to explore education resources which might better meet the child’s individual resources.
2. Annual Registration Procedure
i. Registration of new students usually takes place in August or the first week of September each year. This is to enable us plan ahead for furniture, uniforms and other facilities to be provided for new intakes. ii. The Principal together with the Academic Deans will place the students in a class which best satisfies his/her individual needs. Placement will be determined by the result of our entrance examination and oral interview, a standardized achievement test as directed by the State and Archdiocesan Ministries of Education and/or report card from the previous schools. iii. As a rule, siblings are not placed in the same classroom or the same dormitory. iv. All documents and levies stipulated in the prospectus must be completely be submitted before registration and before any student is allowed into the hostel or into the classroom.
3. New Registrations
i. New families who wish to enroll their children into school will be directed to see the Principal who will request to see the report cards of pervious school, and any other pertinent information relative to the child’s vital statistics. ii. Admissions are on open to students entering into JSS1 through SS2. All admissions take place starting from the beginning of the first term and runs through the middle of second term each academic year. No admissions in the third term. iii. Claret Academy does not admit students into SS3 and definitely no registration of external candidates for JSSCE, WAEC or NECO examinations.
4. Transfer from other Schools
i. Our school is open to all children subject to the limitations of available space, which creates good teaching and learning environments. ii. Students who have formerly attended other schools, will, after taking our entrance examinations will also upon acceptance, be evaluated to determine the best level for their learning. iii. Students coming into our school from other schools will be required to present their statements of result from previous school(s), a transfer certificate, a testimonial and/or written identification duly signed by the Principal of former school(s) iv. The parents request a transfer to our school from any other school, a conference will be held to determine the reasons for the transfer, and to ensure that such a transfer will be in the best interest of the child,