5. Attendance & Absenteeism
a. Attendance
i. School gates are opened at 7:00am at which time supervision morning functions begin.
ii. Our class day begins officially at 7:30am with the morning assembly.
iii. Morning assembly begins at 7:30am and is followed by morning roll call at 8:00am.
iv. Roll calls are done two times a day – at the beginning of school and after the second break.
v. Regular classes end at 1:30pm and extra lessons begin for all students at 2:00pm and school officially dismisses at 4:00pm
vi. Lesson and lesson fees are compulsory for all students.
vii. Holy mass is celebrated everyday for those in the boarding everyday at and is celebrated on Thursdays for all students at 2:00pm.s
viii. Moral Instructions take place on Thursday before the mass.
ix. Confession for students holds every Wednesday and or upon special request.
x. Parents should try to arrange for all hospital appointments on the free days, during holidays, vacations, or after school; except in case of emergencies, when the child suddenly takes ill.
b. Absenteeism
A student’s absence from school interferes greatly with the student’s academic and social progress. Attendance to school is, therefore, considered to be a preparation for future life skills, and regular attendance builds the character traits of reliability and responsibility.
i. Vacations and absence taken on regular school days are highly discouraged and frowned at by the school authorities because of interference with the student’s academic and social progress.
ii. Any day a child is sick or absent, the parent must inform the office (school administration ) before hand or come personally to report.
iii. A signed and dated note explaining the absence is required upon the return to class. Examples include: cases of medical, dental, funeral ore other reasons during school times.
iv. If a child has been absent for a week or more, a meeting/conference may be requested between the principal and the parents to determine the best educational approach to combat the student’s excessive absence.
v. Families are requested not to schedule vacation time during the regular school sessions. They should also ensure that their children and wards return to classes at the resumption day or end of break.
6. Lateness
i. The school administration has the right to lock the school gate against late comers, or to turn back those students who come late without any good cause.
ii. A student who arrives after 7:30am (beginning of morning assembly) will be given due punishment for late coming.
iii. School gates are permanently closed at 7:45am and all those coming after then, unless with due permission, will not be allowed into the school compound for the whole day. School is not responsible for any student who is locked out because of the late coming.
iv. If a student on account of good cause arrives after 7:45am he/she should report officially to the office and with a written note from the parents stating the reason(s) for his/her lateness. Parents can as well call the school office ahead of time (before 8:00am) if their ward will not be present for opening exercises.
v. Attention of parents will be called when a student repeatedly comes to school late. Persistent late coming will lead to suspension and eventually to expulsion from school.
7. Early Dismissal
i. A dated and duly signed letter of request, written by the parent, should be brought to the School Office before 7:30am when a student needs to leave school before the normal dismissal time. After verification, the student will be given “early dismissal” slip. The student will present both the letter and the dismissal slip to the form teacher who will the return the dismissal slip to the student for verification of the receptionist and the security men.
ii. In accordance with truancy laws, parents must come to the school to pick up their children for early dismissals.
iii. For security purposes, once a student steps into the school, he/she must not go outside or cross the school gate unless with due permission and with a written note from the form teacher.
iv. At end of the school day, classrooms are locked by the class prefects. Students should not expect to regain access without being accompanied by proper form teacher, classroom teacher or authorized school official.
8. Class Interruptions
i. Classes are out of bound to parents and non-staff of the school.
ii. Classes are not to be disturbed at any time during the school day.
iii. Any form of celebration like birthday during school time should receive the approval of the school authority, and is done during break time,
iv. Parent/guardians and other visitors are expected to stop and make enquiry at the reception desk.
v. It is the responsibility of the receptionist to direct visitors to the appropriate places or to make contact with the persons sought for.
vi. Items like books, papers, etc., to be given to a student by parents must be clearly marked with the student’s name and should not be delivered to the classroom by parents, but through the receptionist.
vii. If a parent wishes to talk with a teacher, an appointment must be made in advance, either through a call to the School Office or a written note to the teacher or principal.
viii. If the appointment is for a serious issue that requires disciplinary action or legal procedures, it is important to inform the school management.
ix. We request that parents report cases of abuse by employees to the management; instead of engaging in personal confrontation.
9. Closing of School
Circumstances lime rainstorm, closure of roods, industrial actions or riots, or other hazardous conditions may lead to the canceling of school. Should this seem probable, school will be cancelled in the evening or early morning hours before the start of school, however pending when such information is received by the school.
10. Textbooks, Workbooks, and Electronic Materials
All textbooks, workbooks and exercise books recommended and provided by the sachool are to be paid for along with the other fees. It is the responsibility of the students and parents to make every effort to protect these materials.
i. School books and learning or working materials lost or damaged by students must be paid for. A charge will be made at the rate of the school’s purchase price.
ii. All books, tapes and other analogue or digital storage resources borrowed from the school or its library or from teachers and workers must be returned on or when due. Those who fail to return such materials on time will be surcharged.
iii. All materials or properties belonging to the school must be well taken care of; books must be covered at all times.
11. Health Service Program.
Claret Academy sees it as essential need to make that the students are physically healthy in order to face their academic work. To this effect, a full time nurse is employed to take care of both the day and boarding students and our school clinic equipped for prompt and urgent health attention. In accordance with the recommendation of the School Board of our Province, all children are expected to have a complete physical examination upon entrance into school. All students are likewise required to be immunized according to state requirements. Data concerning immunization and medical record’s update are necessary at the opening of school each year.
i. School clinic monitors the health issues of students and administers first aid.
ii. For minor injuries, such as cuts and abrasions that occur on the grounds, the school nursing staff will assess the injury and utilize first aid supplies to care for the child.
iii. If injuries are serious, the Parent or the contact person will be contacted immediately. If the parent or emergency contact cannot be reached, the child will be taken to the nearest or most opportune hospital. Serious injury is defined as loss of consciousness, seizure, severe bleeding, difficulty in breathing, choking, broken arm or leg, or disorientation to surroundings (time, place and people).
iv. If the injuries are life threatening, the child will be rushed to the hospital immediately, and parents will then be contacted.
v. We do not allow students to take any medication/drug on their own at school. If medication absolutely “must” be given during school time, then notify the Principal and the form teacher, who will communicate such to the school nurse. Send only the correct dosage, marked with the child’s name, dosage, time and parent’s signature.
vi. No student may ever carry medication on his/her person, bag, etc. All medications must be stored in the school clinic. Where it becomes necessary, such medication should be accompanied with the Doctor’s directives.
12. Library/Reading Rooms
Library and reading rooms are available for daily recreational readings and for reference and research. Absolute quite must be maintained, eating/drinking or group chatting is not allowed in the library and/or the reading room. Books are borrowed for one week. They may be renewed, however, the student must present the book to the librarian for renewal. Reference materials are circulated for class work overnight only. In the circulation of books and materials, preference is given to teachers and those in administration. Reference materials are not for borrowing.
i. Fined, as determined by the administration, are paid for overdue books and reference materials.
ii. Students are responsible for any undue damage to books during the time they have borrowed them. Students are also responsible for the lost books, based on the replacement value.
iii. Usage of the Claret Library or reading room is restricted to its students and staff. Behavior conducive to research/reading is expected within the library at all times. Students will be denied library privileges for improper beharior.
13. Examinations and Evaluation Program
i. Any student entering or transferring into Claret Academy from another school is given a placement test to determine whether he/she is capable of doing meaningful studies in the class proposed by the parents. Pass mark for this test is an average of 50%.
ii. Welcome back tests are conducted at the beginning of every term. This test starts at the first day of resumption of schools, graded and is included in the cumulative assessment of students.
iii. Holiday quiz are given to students before they leave for vacations to keep them abreast with their studies at home. This text is submitted and graded when they return back to school.
iv. Mid-term test are conducted before every mid-term break. Cumulative assessment tests are also given and results of these tests are combined with the terminal examination results to determine whether a student is promoted to the next class.
v. Terminal examinations are given at the end of every term. Promotion to the next class is based on the cumulative result of first, second and third term examinations.
vi. To qualify for promotion, a student is expected to make a 45% cumulative average result with a pass in English and Mathematics.
vii. Any student who made the cumulative average score of 45% and above but failed English and/or Mathematics must re-seat that subject or else he/she will not be promoted to the next class.
viii. Parents are sanctioned for non-collection of their child/ward termly progress result.
14. Retention or Class-Repeat Policy
As educators, we are committed to giving our students, among other things, the best education possible. Briefly stated, our objective is adequately to equip our students with basic skills of learning. However, our students, urged and supported by their parents, must also be committed to learning and be open to receiving the best possible education for themselves. It is with deep interest and loving concern that we have adopted a policy of retention for those students who have not shown adequately that they are ready for the next grade.
i. All our students are expected, through effort and attitude, to master basic minimum requirements for each grade level in all curriculum areas. No student who did not satisfy the promotional requirements of his/her current level is promoted to the next level.
ii. Any student who failed to make up the
promotional requirements or shows that he/she has not mastered the skills and curriculum contents of his/her class level has the option to repeat or withdraw.
iii. A student is retained or allowed to repeat a particular grade level only once.
iv. Decisions regarding retention or repeat of class will be made on an individual basis.
15. Withholding of Academic Records
Claret Academy is not a free school. Tuition, levies and fees are charged for all students registered in Claret Academy, approved by the administration to the school. All families are expected to make tuition payment; failure to meet financial responsibilities has consequences.
i. No school records, including results, will be released during the school year of after the school has ended when outstanding financial obligations are delinquent or unsatisfied.
ii. A student will not be allowed to take end of term examinations if school fees are not paid and no special arrangements has been entered with the school on how to pay.
iii In case where outstanding debts are involved, the school Bursary, with the approval of the Director, will stop the student from going to classes, and certain school functions will not be open to the student and his/her family.
iv As agreed with the PTA, school fee drive is carried out after two weeks of resumption of school, every term. Defaulting students and their parents are responsible for missing classes.
v. Tuition assistance or scholarship is given once in a while to deserving students. The Provincial School Director in collaboration School Board determines when this is to be done with funds provided through agencies that provide help for the poor and deserving children.
16. Social Events
a) Social Week Program: Immediately after Examinations each term and until vacation day is our social week. This is a one week of fun and social activities where students display their talents in various aspects of life – Dancing, drama, debates, quiz, cooking competition, public speech/entertainment, etc. This program is for all students and constitutes an essential aspect of our extra-curricular activities. School functionaries are in-charge of the planning and organization of this program, and it is monitored by the Dean of Students Affairs and the Games Master in consultation with the principal
b) Catholic Holiday: Our school observes all major solemnities of the Church, e.g., Ascension, Claret Day (October 24, Feast of St. Anthony Claret), etc. When the occasion requires it, we take the day off from classes, to allow families to be together and celebrate the feasts. The school calendar specifies which feasts and celebrations are class-free days
c) National Holiday: We also celebrate National holidays, especially those that celebrate special place of children and workers in our society; but as a Institution of a particular religious confession, we reserve the right to choose which national holidays conduce to our purposes and the philosophy of our establishment.
d) Field Day: This is a class day, held out of doors, where students compete physically in a spirit of good sportsmanship, both singularly and in teams. This event occur when the departmental heads so determine. Teachers supervise the students during such competitions and events.
e) Excursions or Field Trips: These are class visits to places of cultural or educational significance which give desired outcomes of such trips. The teachers prepare the students for the place that is to be visited and the things that are to be seen. Parents are notifies in writings concerning field trips, are asked to give permission for their children’s participation in the trip, and for any other pertinent information needed. We try to arrange excursions for our children as occasion provides; to such places like radio, TV stations, bottling companies, big churches, industries, etc. The school reserves the right to deny a child the opportunity to go on an excursion as a disciplinary measure; and also if it is deemed that the child will be a danger to the welfare of other innocent children.
f) Community Services: Service is our responsibility to the community in which we live. Service by students to the church community, the school community, the family community, and the neighborhood community is strongly encouraged and seen as the leaning ground for adult commitment to the supporting communities. The underlying principle of service is based on our love of God and of our neighbor. All students are encouraged to establish healthy relationship with each other and to offer assistance to others without compensation, over and above regular chores.
17. Outdoor Games and Sports
All works and no play make jack a dull boy – so the saying goes. Hence at Claret Academy we emphasize on the participation of every student in outdoor sports and games. It not only helps them to discover and develop individual talents, it is also essential for sound health of mind and body. Days for games and sports are stipulated in the daily timetable, other dates can be added depending on weather conditions and if there are inter-class/school competitions coming up. If a parent wishes to have a child not to participate in games/sports due to health reasons, a letter must be sent to school through the form teacher stating the reasons why the child must not play outside.
For students belonging to the school football, dancing or athletic teams, etc. parents will be contacted ahead of time should the children be required to stay back after school or report for extra practices.
18. Manual Labour
At Claret Academy, education does not end in theory; students are also encouraged to put into practice and to showcase the experience of their lives what they are taught. Manual labour and morning functions are, therefore, part educational programs designed to teach the children to be productive and to learn how to keep their environment clean.
Days for general school labour are stipulated in the school daily schedule. Morning functions are required to be finished before 7:30am. Class prefects in the collaboration with the school functionaries in charge of labour and the Labour Master, are to draw the timetable for morning functions and for general labour during labour days.
Failure to do one’s morning functions or to participate in manual labour attracts punishment. A student, who due to health reason cannot participate in labour or, do certain types of morning functions, should present a letter from parents with doctor’s recommendation to the school authorities. Such a student will be exempted from participation so as not to jeopardize with his/her health.